if you cannot afford professional treatment, there's
still a lot you can do for yourself from home beauty
treatments.Although backless blouses look very elegant
many women have blemished backs.

Rather than covering up and hiding your body, do something
to get rid of these spots.
A weekly light scrubbing down with pumice stone or a
scrub gives a regular exfoliation, which is a must to
give the skin a satin smooth look.
Also include healthy doses of vitamin C (atleast 1000
mg two to three times a day) in your diet. There's nothing
like a good massage to relax those tense nerves.
Fast once a week to detoxify the system. When toxins
overload the body, the skin appears blemished and sallow.
Following a detoxification programme will give your
skin a chance to regain its natural shine.
Get into a regular beauty routine. Never go to the bed
with your make-up on. Cleanse, tone and moisturize your
face every night, even if you have oily skin. Of all
the products that promise soft and radiant skin, a moisturizer
is probably the most effective.
It nourishes the skin, giving an almost immediate softness
and suppleness. Wear a moisturizer with a high SPF to
protect the skin from the sun's damaging effects, and
use a renewal cream, preferably collagen based, during
the night.

special attention to dry areas such as knees and elbows
by moisturizing liberally after exfoliating. If you
need to loose weight, go about it in a systematic way.
Crash dieting doesn't work as you'll only loose much
needed energy.
Any weight loss programme should be slow and controlled.
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a Queen, and dine
like a pauper. Avoid cholesterol rich food like butter,
cheese, and ghee. Avoid tea, coffee and fizzy drinks,
opt for fruit and vegetable juices, mineral waste and
herbal teas.Stock up on foods that boost the immune
system, especially if you are susceptible to flu.
Zinc is one of the most powerful immune system boosting
minerals, but avoid taking too much of it in a supplement
Food rich in zinc are red meat, wholegrain bread and
cereal. Fill up on the A-list foods, which are nutritious
and taste great!
Carrots (Anti-cancerous, reduce the risks of heart attacks,
good for the eyes);
Broccoli (anti-cancerous, and rich in vitamin C and
Spinach (Anti-cancerous, contains vitamin C, E and calcium);
Grapes (helps prevent heart disease, high in vitamin
C, iron and potassium);
Strawberries (reduces cholesterol ans risks of high
blood pressure);
Onions (clears blocked sinuses, help prevent heart attacks
and rectal colon and stomach cancers);
Garlic ( Anti-cancerous, reduces acidity, lowers blood
pressure, boosts immunity, and reduced blood clotting).
Get a plant in your room. It's well known that houseplants
are good for health. They cut down on chemical toxins
in the atmosphere, counteract allergies, asthma, headaches
and fatigue and humidify rooms, so both your lungs and
skin will benefit.
Moderate exercise makes the bones stronger, but intense
training can have the opposite effect, as a lot of calcium
is lost in sweat.

If you are working in a hot and humid weather, you would
sweat more and so you'll need to increase your calcium
intake. Swimming is good for everyone, especially those
with damaged joints or muscles.
If you have a bad back, swimming is the ideal exercise.
It builds strength, is relaxing and helps tone every
area of your body.
Yoga is an extremely effective work out for the body
and the mind. It improves co-ordination and posture,
and asthma patients have benefited greatly as they are
taught how to breathe properly.
Yoga has no side effects, is beneficial for all the
systems and prevents illness from striking.