fact that we enjoyed perfect velvety skin in our teenage
years is not reason enough to enjoy it throughout. Sun
damage is cummulative and can be seen on our skin a
decade or two later. The skin on our body needs the
same kind of love and care as our face. Dull, coarse
and lifeless skin is a result of a generally toxic lifestyle,
and healthy eating, proper exercise and body brushing
can make a dramatic difference.
Grab the Veggies
Your diet supplies the nutrients needed by the cells
to keep skin, hair and nails looking healthy. Therefore,
it is important that you feed your body a well balanced
diet. Vegetables are actually a longevity foods;
they are clean burning, high octane fuels that
return the cells causing premature ageing.
Veggies like tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and green leafy
vegetables like spinach are packed with vitamin A and
C, beta-carotene and fibre. These nutrients not only
make your skin glow, but even help in destroying cancerous
cells and preventing heart attacks.
They are also loaded with calcium is the mineral
your body needs to keep your bones from buckling. Vegetables
are rich in healthy carbohydrates and devoid of fat
or cholesterol, making them good for the heart.
Poor eating habits can cause temporary hair loss, cracks
in the corner of your mouth and brittle nails. Your
skin can bruise easily, heal slowly and look dull, drab
and lazy. A good diet, on the other hand will keep your
skin looking healthy and toned, and sport a fine texture
and colour.
Besides, a healthy diet will keep skin diseases at bay.
In fact, if you eat right, you should need to
take vitamin supplements. In short there is no substitute
for veggies.
Fitness Goals

is surprisingly enjoyable, good for the self-esteem
and carries significant benefits for the quality of
our lives and our health. Be it yoga, aerobics or walking,
and no matter how little of it, it is important for
both physical and mental health.
Exercise is a panacea for boredom, tension, anxiety
and even PMS. Working up a sweat is natural and healthy,
a vital requirement for a balanced, fulfilled life.
Exercise improves blood circulation, which helps in
the reproduction of new cells, besides getting rid of
all impurities to reveal radiant skin. But when you
don't exercise enough, the blood circulation is
sluggish and the skin receives less oxygen. As a result,
your skin may look dull and sallow, one that lacks luster.
In fact, it might even aggravate acne.
It might take some getting used to, but once you get
started, your body and mind will get accustomed to the
exertion and actually hunger for it.
Simply Brush it Away
Body brushing is a good way to stimulate blood circulation.
Because the skin is an organ of elimination (and the
largest one in the body), many toxins can be eliminated
if you stimulate the circulation and the lymph system
by brushing the skin.
Use a loofah or a body sponge and brush in circular
motions to remove the dead skin cells. Pay special attention
to the elbows, knees, shoulders, the back and thighs.
Do this every day before bathing or showering. Also,
keep the temperature of your bath water a little higher
that of your skin so as to stimulate sluggish circulation.
Smoother skin is a spin-off of this toxin-eliminating
regimen, which leaves you feeling invigorated and truly
Get A Beautiful Beach Body - Tight Butt, Legs
And Arms
You too can be hot and beautiful like the most luscious
season on earth. The only problem is that there is not
much time left to build your fine behind to the point
that it is so worth watching as you walk away before
the summer is over.
That's right, you know that you always look as people
walk away, and be honest.. honest...it's not because
you are lovingly sending them warm wishes, you are checking
them out to see how much junk is in their trunk. And
if that's not sneaky enough, you know that you compare
it to yours. Come on, that's what we do. We live in
a constant state of comparison, it's not healthy, it's
not even practical, but the fact is, it's real.
So how do you refine your behind in a short time and
tighten your upper body so that when you wave at your
friends across the beach, the sagginess on the back
of your arm doesn't wave in the breeze and create a
giant wave.
Here is a great mini workout regime I put together for
one of my music artists who had to shoot an album cover
for her new release. She was in the studio putting the
final touches on her CD and she got the call from hell.
It was her manager telling her they had decided on the
shoot location for her cover shot. It was to be on this
spectacular island in a tropical paradise that most
of us only dream of visiting when we win the lottery.
A few minutes later, I got the SOS (Shoot Only in my
Skin) distress call. She had less than ten days to go
from snackin' in the recording studio to looking sexy
on the beach for a CD cover for the world to see!
I went to work and put together an instant toning workout
schedule and combined it with my Low Glycemic Diet with
Catabolic Foods. Hip Hop Cardio was a part of her workouts
as well because it burns fat, helps you develop rhythm
and confidence. You can do any cardio you like long
as you do some cardio every day to keep your metabolism
up and burn stored body fat. Oh yes, and the instant
tanning to give her the authentic island look. That
came later after we made her arms, abs and behind look
and feel tighter.
The key word is she felt tighter. You see when you feel
good, you feel beautiful and when you feel beautiful
you walk with more grace and confidence, which sends
out great vibes that you love your beach body. That
is the beginning of getting excited and inspired enough
to continue on your program after the initial burst.
All great changes happen from the inside out.
Beautiful Beach Body Program
First of all, I love traditional training and I love
how dance moves shape and tighten your body differently
than many of the gym moves. Dancers have sleek long
lean muscles and they move with pure grace. I like gym
moves too in a long-term fitness program, don't' get
me wrong… But, for this program I am taking you back
to the
beginning of women's body training movement. My signature
vertical training and Power Shaping technique is the
base for this workout.
Workout Accessories to Gather for Your Workout
Beach Towel – I personally have my clients lie on a
beach towel because they are soft to touch on the skin
which puts you in a wonderful mood.
Water Bottle - 8-16 ounces of water - Stay hydrated
during your workout.
Music - Get in the zone. Turn on some music that is
upbeat, happy and makes you feel good. This will inspire
you to stay with the workout for the entire duration.
Picture - Find some inspiring magazine pictures that
inspire you to train. Your mind sees pictures and then
it drives you in the direction of your visualized desire.
Beautiful Beach Body Circuit Isometric Training
1. Plies
2. Side Lying Leg Lifts
3. Girl's Push-ups
Move: 1 – Plie
Begin with Dancer's plie or and easier explanation.
Wide Leg Stance Knee Bends
A plie' is a bend of the knees. It is a foundational
strength and stretch that ballet dancers practice. It
is a specific exercise that tones and strengthens your
entire lower body. The hips, butt, thighs, hamstrings
and calves are all worked together. It is compounded
power move that works wonders.
Learning to plié correctly is fundamental to proper
training and getting that beautiful lower body you desire.
Yet most people do it incorrectly, in that they sink
down with legs, and then quickly return to a standing
Begin by standing in front of a mirror so that you can
monitor your alignment. Face the mirror in a wide stance,
which in dance is known as second position. Be careful
that you are aligning your knees with your toes at all
times. Pull your abdominal in as to get a sense that
your navel is couching your spine. This is called hollowing
your abdominal wall so that your are shaping and engaging
them as well throughout the move.
Stand up straight so that you can feel a vertical line
up and down the center of your body.
Begin to lower your body weight toward the floor slowly
with control to the count of four. Use your abdominal
muscles, relax your back, and drop your tailbone. Be
sure your body is centered over your feet, keep your
heels down you lower your body down. Go only as low
as you can comfortably go.
Now, press your feet into the floor making your muscles
in your thighs and butt active. Hold for four isometric
counts as you take deep breaths.
Then slowly press your feet into the floor and push
yourself out of the plie' as you return to the starting
standing position.
If you don't feel these muscular sensations, you're
doing the Plietoo fast. Now, to the count of four,
begin pressing upwards and focus on feeling resistance
in all of your lower body muscles as you come out of
the pile. As you perfect this move you can add various
arm moves with light two to five pound hand weights.
This is what I did with my artist. As she felt balanced
and centered with the movement I added bicep curls with
light hand weights.
I had her start with hands by her side behind her legs,
as she lowered her body to the count of four, she drew
her hands toward her upper shoulders and held it for
the count of four as she was in the plie is metrically
and then lowered the weight as she pressed out of the
plie. It was a great combination of upper and lower
body movements
that created a sensational feel and look to the muscles.
Move 2 – Side Leg Lifts (2 versions)

Lie on one side on your beach towel. Side-lying exercises
strengthen lateral leg muscles, tighten your outer thighs,
narrow your
hips and tighten the medial gluts.
Side-lying Leg Lifts:
Lie on your side on the floor. Place your upper body
and head in a comfortable position. You lie all the
way down, or lie with your hand supporting your head
as long as you keep your head in alignment with your
Keep your body in an extended position with your top
leg straight and your bottom knee slightly bent to help
balance your body. Place your top hand on the floor
in front of your abdominal and contract your abdominal
throughout the move.
Begin by squeezing your butt. Now to the count of four,
slowly lift your upper leg towards the ceiling with
the knees facing forward 45 degrees or to a height where
you can feel the muscles tightening without strain to
the hip joint and hold in an isometric (static) position
for the count of four and then slowly lower back down.
Repeat for fifteen reps per side. Repeat each side for
a total of three sets. Per side both inner and outer
thigh muscles. As you get stronger, you add one to two
pound ankle weights for more resistance.
Side Lying Inner Thigh Leg Lifts:
Lie on your side on the floor. Place your upper body
and head in a comfortable position. Keep your body in
an extended position with your legs resting on top of
each other. Then, move bend your top leg and place the
foot on the floor behind the bottom leg. Make sure there
is enough room to allow the bottom leg to be lifted
off the floor.
Contract your abdominal as to include them in your workout
and to also help protect your spine and keep your back
in a good stable position. Squeeze the inner thigh and
slowly to the count of four lift the bottom leg approximately
12 to eighteen inches or as high as is comfortable for
you to feel the inner thigh isolate and contract.
Hold for four counts and then lower your leg down to
the starting position and repeat for a total of fifteen
repetitions. One set is completed once both legs have
performed the exercise for the prescribed number of
reps on the workout! Be sure to breath deeply throughout
the entire sequence.
Move3 – Bent Knee Triceps Pushups.
This move works the back of your arms and chest and
abs. Begin on your hands and knees with your hands resting
under your shoulders.
Contract your abdominal and slowly lower your chest
to the floor between your hands keeping your head and
neck in alignment, lower down until your chest almost
touches the floor and do not let your lower back sag,
hold for two counts and slowly with control push yourself
back up to your starting position.
Keep the body locked in a straight position as you return
to the starting position. breathe comfortably throughout
the move. Repeat for total set of ten repetitions. Then
rest for thirty seconds by sitting on your knees in
a child's pose and then repeat for two more sets.
This is a powerful exercise and in the beginning you
may only be able to do perform two reps with accuracy
and control. But don't give up. It will get easier as
you get stronger. It is a fantastic exercise for tightening
the muscles in back of your arms and your chest muscles.
This move will make your stronger and tighter at the
same time. That is a great combination of fitness results
to have whether you are
sunbathing or surfing.
Here's the Triceps Push up Breakdown...
On your hands and knees, contract your abdominal then
to the count of four
Slowly lower your upper body down to the floor holding
your elbows close to your side
Hold for a count of two (isometric contraction) and
then push yourself back up to the starting position.
Repeat for a total of eight repetitions.
There you have it, a wonderful plan for your Beautiful
Beach Body. You will feel long, lean and confident as
you stroll along the beach.
Beauty starts from the inside out. Don't wait start
today feeling great about yourself but start building
the best body ever now.