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odor is a common problem that plagues most of us, especially
during the hot months, from May to August. All of us
do agree that this is one of the most unpleasant aspects
of our body. Hence, the need to rush to purchase a deodorant
or antiperspirant from your local store.
It is common knowledge that body odor is, generally,
caused by bacteria decomposing the sweat in the various
areas on our body. But how many of us have actually
understood the underlying reasons behind the difference
in the odors emanating from different human beings?
Scientifically speaking, sweat is caused by activity
of three glands under our skin-- the sweat glands, the
sebaceous gland, and the apocrine glands. The sweat
glands are mainly responsible for perspiration as we
see it.
They are activated by temperature, exercise and stress.
The apocrine glands are glands related to sexual hormones
in our body. These lend a specific odor to every one
of us, and are equivalent to the musk released by animals
during the mating season.
The sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum, which is
odorless but attracts bacterial growth resulting in
strong odors. These glands are distributed all over
our body except our palms, and the soles. They are greatest
in number on our faces and scalp. These glands are extremely
sensitive to hormones, stress and sexual excitement.
So, now that we know which glands are causing the odors,
we can deal with them in a systematic manner.
Sweat Glands
These glands are the most widely distributed and most
active of the three glands. This is the reason we all
have heard about them and try to combat body odor by
using deodorants and antiperspirants. Since heat, activity
and stress activate these glands, we have to tackle
them accordingly.
The best way to sweat less with the fluctuation of temperature
is to wear fabrics that allow air to circulate and helps
the sweat to evaporate. In extremely hot and humid conditions,
one must take extra precautions to wear loose clothes
made from natural fibers. This will not only allow air
to circulate, but will also absorb the sweat and bring
it to the outer surface. This helps in speedier evaporation
of water.
We have all experienced sweating when we exercise. Exercise
increases the metabolic rate of the body, thereby increasing
the body temperature. This results in a greater secretion
of sweat. Therefore, it is very important that we shower
after we exercise. This destroys the breeding ground
for the odor causing bacteria and keeps you feeling
Stress and anxiety also result in the increase in perspiration.
When a person is emotionally charged, a hormone called
adrenalin is released, which gears us to face danger.
This hormone is connected with an increase in the metabolic
rate of our body and as a result, greater sweating.
So, if you are the anxious or aggressive type, you have
to learn to relax and cool yourself. This will not only
keep your mind cool, but your sweat under control. Meditation
or yoga is the best way to tackle this problem.
Apocrine Glands
These glands are mostly related with sexual hormones
and are activated when we reach puberty. The secretions
from this gland are mainly responsible for the specific
body odor that is very peculiar to every single one
of us.
These are also supposed to the greatest aphrodisiacs.
So here, we cannot do anything to change that particular
odor. We can only try to mask this odor with perfumes
and deodorants. But it does not help much in changing
the way you smell.
Sebaceous Glands
Regulating your thoughts can control these glands, as
your thoughts regulate your hormones. Since these glands
are extremely sensitive to stimuli, they are the ones
responsible for making your face look greasy in your
teen years or when you are emotionally disturbed.
The oil-like secretions from these glands are the culprits
behind acne and smelly scalps. Apart from trying to
regulate your hormones through your thoughts and activities,
you also need to remove this layer of sebum to do away
with odor. So, once again, washing is the best way.
General tips on reducing body odor, naturally.
Always, use cotton or natural fibers for your clothes
during the hot months. Keep the clothes loose and the
fabric light to help the sweat to evaporate faster.
Knitted or handloom fabrics are better than machine
made fabrics, as they are slightly loose in their weaving
and this lets more air to circulate around your body
aiding the drying of sweat.
Shoes and socks also trap sweat causing the bad odor
to emanate from your feet. Wear cotton socks, and wear
strappy, open shoes to keep your feet dry. If you can’t
avoid wearing shoes, dust your feet with pure sandalwood
powder, which keeps your feet cool and infection free.
Dusting cornstarch on the feet before getting into socks
and shoes helps to keep them dry (moisture encourages
bacteria to grow and flourish), or one can try soaking
them daily in warm water with white vinegar or Epsom
salts added.
Yoga or meditation keeps your mind and body under control,
thus controlling the hormonal secretions in your body.
The more relaxed you are, the less you have to get stressed
about body odor.
Drink plenty of fluids. This will Keep the body cool
inside and slow the metabolic rate, there by slowing
down the rate of perspiration.
Go light on hot spices, onion and garlic, as these aggravate
the body odor. Drink curd and coconut water to keep
your system cool. Fruits like lemon, oranges and watermelon
can be used for the same purpose.
Shower with an antiseptic soap after strenuous activities.
This gets rid of the harmful bacteria. Last rinse can,
with a few drops of sandalwood or lavender oil added
to it, keep your body smelling fresh for a longer time
than most deodorants.
Sweat glands are generally found under the hair follicles.
These hairs trap the sweat and become a breeding ground
for bacteria, causing bad odor. So, hair in the pubic
area and armpits should be removed or trimmed to ensure
personal hygiene. Scalp hair should kept clean with
regular shampoos to avoid bad odor and infections of
the scalp.
The armpits and the pubic area are the main area of
concern when it comes to body odor. The reason being
that these areas is generally covered, and the sweat
does not dry soon enough causing the bacteria to decompose
it. So wear loose, Cotton undergarments and avoid wearing
tight clothes in warm weather.
Medically Speaking
The aluminum compounds in antiperspirants may be helpful
in reducing the amount of sweat, limiting bacterial
In addition to deodorant, wash daily with antibacterial
soaps, such as chlorhexidine.
Use solutions such as povidone-iodine that can also
help in reducing body odor.
Application of topical antibiotic cream or ointment
on the underarms might also help.
Prescription drugs that supposedly reduce sweating,
such as those that contain aluminum chloride, whether
applied to the skin or taken by mouth, may help some
people. But, this has to be done under medical supervision.
Going through the above article would have helped you
understand the reasons behind body odor and some natural
and effective ways to combat this ugly phenomenon. These
steps can reduce the time and money spent on products
to help make us smell better.
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