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Beauty – It’s Skin deep
If you were born with good skin, consider yourself lucky, for the majority of us it is quite frustrating. The earlier you start the program, the bigger the bonuses, but it is never too late to cultivate good skin. One of your first considerations with skin care is to decide which works best for you. Each individual is different, and no one method of skin care works for every person.

To properly care for you skin, you must first identify your skin type. Remember that you skin is affected by the environment and is always changing.

Normal skin is healthy, balanced skin, in which all psychological process – notably the secretion of oils, circulation of the blood and sloughing off old cells – happen in perfect equilibrium. Normal skin has a rosy color with no blackheads or blemishes, a minimum of lines and wrinkles, albeit tiny uniform in size and barely visible. It is the rarest and most desired of all skin types.

Oily skin is caused by the over secretion of oily glands, located in the underlayers of the skin. The skin type is not necessarily bad since it is less prone to wrinkling and others signs of aging. The negative aspect of this skin type are that oily complexions are especially susceptible to clogged pores, blackheads, and a build of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Oily skin can be sallow and tends to have large, clearly visible pores everywhere except around the eyes and neck.

Dry skin is the opposite of oily skin and occurs when the oily glands are not producing sufficient oil to lubricate the skin satisfactorily. It is thin and often flaky, with pores that are almost invisible. Many fine lines are likely to form, even when the skin is relatively young, and there’s a tendency for dry skin to be more easily irritated.

Combination skin is by far the most common skin type, observable in approximately 80 per cent of all cases. As the name implies, it is a mosaic of dry, normal and oily areas. In most instances a person with combination skin has dryness around the cheek, eyes and necks, while oiliness is found in the T-zone to nose and upward across the forehead. Combination skin requires more effort than other skin types because each areas has its own special needs.

It is important for you to identify your type of skin because each skin type requires a different type of product and that, which suits a particular skin type need not suit another skin type. No matter which type of skin you have, it is absolutely critical that your skin type is kept as clean as possible. It is important that all superficial debris is cleansed away regularly, otherwise the pores will become blocked and blemishes will start.

Skin should be cleansed in the mornings to remove the dead skin and oils discharged at night, then again at bedtime and every time fresh make-up is applied. Oily skin requires cleansing more frequently (Beware of over-using cleansers containing large amounts of bacteria killing substances such as hexachlorophene as they can aggravate pimple formation). An extension of the cleansing regime, toning freshens your skin after you have cleansed it. A toner helps remove all traces of make-up and oil from your skin tightening the pores temporarily and stimulating blood circulation.

Moisturizing is important as your face is constantly exposed to elements, which dry out the skin – sun, wind and cold weather. For oily skins, one most use an oil free moisturizer, while dry skin could use heavier moisturizers.

All said and done, skin problems happen to everyone. They are unavoidable. And pimples erupt on nearly everyone’s face at some time and affect more than half of all adolescents for some years of their lives. The glands often churn out a lot of oil and this can lead to whiteheads, which later become blackheads and some cysts. They can leave noticeable scars if not effectively treated.

A healthy diet, a fit body, emotional tranquility and good care routing will contribute towards clearer skin.

A diet for blemish prone skin must be consistently high in protein and fresh fruit and vegetables. Protein is a major pimple-fighter. Eat it in fish, poultry and egg white. There are three rules to observe in the diet.

Avoid or at least reduce eating chocolates and food or drinks made with cocoa.

Avoid fried and fatty foods in general.

Reduce your intake of starchy foods.

The most effective and widely used antibiotic is called tetracycline. It is taken as a capsule (sometimes the capsule dose is higher) and acts by slowing down production in the oil producing sebaceous glands. This stops the eruption of pimples. Tetracycline is available through your doctor on prescription. Combined with tetracycline is a cream (benzoyl peroxide). Applied each morning to the affected areas, it can produce excellent results.

Go lightly on cosmetics and you will not clog the facial pores and aggravate the skin conditon.

Drink plenty of fluids (at least eight glasses of water a day).

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