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The right hairstyle for you
Tired of trying out different hairstyles and coming up with ghastly results? Many of us don’t realize that only a particular kind of style will go well with our facial structure.

The right way, say stylists, is to find what works with the structure of the face and looks flattering. A flattering hairstyle can be the most important single factor in your appearance.

Not only does it tell about your character, it balances your body, frames your face and complements your clothes and lifestyle. A really professional haircut is a valuable investment, because it will make you feel good as well as look good.

When choosing a new hairstyle you should look carefully at the shape of your face.

To Find Your Face Shape:

1. Pull hair back and secure so hair is totally off face.

2. Stand about one foot back from a mirror and look straight into it. Or, use a picture of yourself facing straight into the camera with your hairline showing.

3. Outline your face with lipstick on the mirror, on transparent paper or on the photo itself.

4. Now look at your face shape in the mirror or the photo. At first there may appear to be more than one shape. Though your face may not be an exact match of any single shape, it will more closely resemble one shape over all other shapes. Pick the shape most closely resembling your own (find the different shapes below) and read the paragraph for that shape to find your best hairstyles.

Oval Shaped Face:
(Even proportions; length is about one and a half times width)

Ovals are considered the ideal face shape. This shape can wear any design with flair! Bobbed, layered, close / full / long or short, just about any style will suit this balanced shape.

However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instance can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view.

Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly hair, wavy or straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Round Shaped Face:
(Round hairline and chin line; wide face; usually round cheeks)

The goal is to create an oval appearance and lift the face. Keep the sides close to the face and promote height at the crown.. Looking for a classic modern style, layered Shag is the perfect shape for a round face. For short shape, close sideburn wisps soften and flatter the face. However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instants can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view. Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly, wavy or straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Square Shaped Face:
(Straight hairline; angular jaw; wide face)

Soften the edges of a square shaped face by directing soft wavy bangs down over your temples. Long hair should fall to, or past shoulders. For a short style, keep hairstyle round and soft with height at the crown. If pulled up, play with wisps of hair around the face. However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instants can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view. Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly or wavy make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point for selecting a suitable hairstyle.

Heart Shaped Face:
(an upside down triangle face; narrow jawline; wider at eye line)

HEART Shaped Face Heart shape faces need a softer, curlier style. a chin length look is Perfect. The objective to create width around your narrow chin. Side slanted bangs draw attention away from the jaw line. Best look, full curly / wavy bouncy.

However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instants can accent your eyes shorten the forehead, while hair off the face can balance your nose in profile view.

Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly, wavy, straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Diamond Shape Face:

To balancing a narrow chin, your best look is a rounded shape with fullness at the bottom. Wide wispy bangs help to create a oval look. The classic look for diamonds is a graduated bob that falls to the chin. Try a wispy design to soften the edges. However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instants can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view. Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly, wavy or straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Pear Shape Face:

Focus on a full crown at top to create symmetry with the wide jaw. Layered looks, like the classic Shag flatter the Pear shape face. Tuck hair behind your ear so as to not draw attention to your cheeks. Short hair should not pass the neckline. While long looks should be kept tight at the nape. However, you must take into consideration your facial features. Do you want to play up your eyes or your nose? Bangs for instants can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view. Your hair type will also determine the best style. If natural curly, wavy or straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Rectangle Shaped Face:

Go for width and volume. Suitable short styles include the Wedge design, while long manes in full styles that falls at, or above the shoulder.

Bangs look great when just touching the brows and help to shorten a long shaped face. However, you must take into consideration your facial features.

Bangs for instants can accent your eyes, while hair off the forehead can balance your nose in profile view. Your hair type will also determine the best style.

If natural curly, wavy or straight, make it part of your style. Your facial shape is only the starting point.

Oblong Face:

A long, thin face with a narrow chin is oblong. A short, perky bob will go very nicely with your kind of looks. It should be short at the back and the angled chin length, in the front. Wearing it with a side parting, with bangs brushed to the side, rounds out an oblong face. A longer bob, about five-cm, below the chin, will also look good on this kind of face. Layered hair will not suit you at all. Long hair, too, makes the face seems lengthier.

Quick and Easy do it yourself hair dos:

On short to medium length hair, a simple and quick hairstyle may be to pin back your hair with some side combs. If you have more time, putting in some rollers the night before should give some pretty waves in your hair the next day that can be worn loose and also pinned back if required. When exercising or in a hurry, the classic ponytail is always a winner.

Another fast and quick hairstyle that you can do your self at home, is pigtails or also plaits. If you have more time, or another person handy, an elegant style that keeps the hair off the face is by doing a fishbone braid. You start this by plaiting the hair in the middle of the scalp, and adding an extra piece to all 3 sections of hair from the outside parts of the head, and then by joining it onto the middle plait.

If you're going out tonight and need a neat hairstyle, another easy one is the classic bun. This is a quick, classic and elegant hairstyle that can be achieved by tying the hair into a tight ponytail and wrapping the ponytail around and pinning the spiral of hair to the scalp.

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