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Hair tips by Hair expert |
have learned about hair from their mothers and grandmothers
down through the ages. Fashion India has investigated
some of these passed down bits of wisdom to separate
the useful information from mythology. The following
are tidbits that require some thinking before they are
blindly believed.
A woman should brush her hair one hundred strokes everyday
to keep it healthy and shiny.
Fact : Useful in its day. This was
a useful practice in the time when there were not good
conditioning agents for hair. The brushing served to
distribute the natural oils throughout the length of
the hair serving as a natural conditioner.
Now that most of us have hair that is color treated
or permanent waved, this is not recommended because
excessive brushing can break the hair or wear away the
cuticle layer causing the ends to split.
Myth : Vinegar should be used as an
after shampoo rinse for shine. This again was Useful
in its day.
Fact : The acidity of both of these
products helped to remove soap residue from the hair
after washing. They left the hair shiny and squeaky-clean.
However, modern, detergent based, shampoo leaves no
soap scum on the hair and, again, with the popularity
of hair color and permanent waves, the use of a rinse
with this amount of acidity is not recommended.
Myth : Train your hair by continually
combing it in the same style.
Fact : Most hair experts will agree
on the fact that research has found hair to be untrainable.
New hair, growing in, is going to go it's own direction
unless you use styling products, blow dryer, curling
iron or other styling technique to redirect it. Once
you shampoo the "set" out, you start again.
Myth : Going out in chilly weather
with wet hair can make you sick. According to doctors,
this is a Myth.
Fact : Colds and other viral illnesses
are common occurrences and there is no evidence that
anything other than exposure to a sick person is the
Myth : Shaving your legs will cause
heavier, darker hair growth. Total Myth.
Fact : Shaving will not make hair grow
thicker or darker. We have a certain number of hairs
growing on our bodies and this does not change by shaving.
Change of color sometimes may occur, but is a natural
process whether the hair has been shaved or not.
Myth : Cutting hair will make it grow
faster. Again Myth.
Fact : The rate of growth, at the root,
remains the same. Trimming the ends from the hair will
help it to grow longer, but only because when split
ends are allowed to remain, they will continue to split
up higher, causing the hair to break off, thus shortening
the hair.
While it is always wise to learn from our mothers and
grandmothers, it is important take the time to ascertain
whether this wisdom is something that has outlived its
usefulness or is a myth that has been passed down through
the ages.
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