or Blonde
Color has come a long way and we are and Indian women
are more willing to experiment now than we were willing
to earlier. A head of colored hair, even in the 1980s,
drew a lot of attention and appreciates glances.But
today, take a quick look around you and you will agree
that 80-90 per cent of young college girls and even.

women have colored hair. And unless it is crazy color,
it is considered normal and acceptable.
Should you or shouldn’t color your hair is a question
you often ask yourself. Here are a few answers to help
you make up your mind about coloring your hair.
Are hair colors safe?
Yes, they are totally safe, in fact most of the colors
today have special polymers and conditioners incorporated
in them to make them superior to hair colors which were
available earlier.These polymers and conditioners actually
penetrate the hair shaft and enter the cortex, mending
any damage in the normal hair structure.
They smoothen the outermost layer of hair that is made
up of cuticles, which appear like tiles on a roof under
the microscope. The ultimate effect after the use of
such a product on your hair would be shinier, smoother
and healthier hair.
So far there appears to be no connection between the
application of hair color and the appearance of gray
hair. Hair turns grey due to the inability of hair to
produce melanin in the early stages of hair growth.
Melanin is the color pigment in your hair, which can
be black, brown, red or yellow. The individuality of
your hair color is determined by the percentage of each
color pigment, making each person’s hair color characteristically
their own.
Poor diet, illness, age, heredity, etc can cause the
acceleration of grey hair and the actual use of a hair
dye has nothing to do with the graying process. Which
color suits you the best is the question you should
ask your beautician.
Let her know if you had colored or hennaed your hair
earlier, the products you used and whether you had straightened
or permed your hair. Also have your hair checked out
for porosity or elasticity, both of which play a major
role in how healthy you hair, will look after the color.
Discuss this with her in detail how long the process
will take the cost and after care you will require to
keep up the effect. You must also take a stand test
so that both you and your hairdresser know what to expect
at the end of the process.
What are the side effects of coloring?
If a professional taking into account all the above
points does coloring, the side effects are almost nil,
especially if the client follows the after care recommended.
However, it is very important that your hairdresser
recommends a patch test in addition to all the points
mentioned above, especially with a product you have
not used before. This is to check for allergic reaction
before carrying out the coloring process. This should
be done at least 24-28 hours in advance.
What do you need to maintain the color and the
quality of your hair?
Certain fashion colors fade easily and you may need
to go back for a rinse once a month, for example, in
the case of wine reds, you would need a regular touch
up or rinse to maintain their intensity. In the case
of grey hair, it would depend on the individual growth
rate of hair. On an average, hair grows ½"- ¾" every
month, so a touch up once in 20 days is a must for grey
For those with no grey hair and a mild color not too
different from their natural color, a touch up once
in six months is ideal. For those with a drastic or
dramatically different hair color, a root touch up is
The after care needed is usually a shampoo for color
treated hair, which increases the life of your color
and conditioners to protect your hair. Too much exposure
to sun, sea and chlorine should also be avoided.
Which brand of color should you use?
It is usually best to leave the choice of color to your
hairdresser once you have discussed with her what you
expect after the color job. The safest home use products
now available in the market are by L’Oreal. They have
a wide range of products in different shade from which
you could choose. For those of you who are allergic
to ammonia they have now launched a new product called
casting, which is available in a few fashion and basic
states. So do go ahead and make a beauty statement with
your hair color.