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Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci is a unique form of international actor who wears multiple hats. In Italy and France , she is known as a veteran actress of various dramatic roles. In U.S. however, she has developed a considerably more varied career helming roles in films such as The Matrix sequels, The Passion of the Christ, and The Brothers Grimm.
Now, the 42 year-old Bellucci's latest role is in her most unique film to date as Donna "DQ" Quintana in the new action/thriller Shoot 'Em Up. She stars in the film with actors Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti.
Monica discussed with us both the movie and playing the character was like.
"Amazing," she enthuses, "She doesn't need guns. She's a gun by herself. I have to say I had so much fun playing DQ because she's powerful and so free. She does dangerous, dark, dirty things in a playful way. It's like the movie. The movie is like a comic, it's over-the-top, it's like a video game, and is wild over the course, but it's rock n' roll, it's sexy, it's dark and scary, with a lot of humor."
However, when she was first approached by writer/director Michael Davis to do the film, the actress admits she was rather taken aback by some of the more bizarre traits of her character, which she described, including the fact that she has what is described as a 'lactating fetish'.
This?!" recalls Bellucci. "I didn't know anything about lactating. And then, Michael Davis explained to me that he meant something, he said 'for work, for research'. And he said she becomes a lactating mother fetish because she comes from far and her baby gets killed, so she doesn't want anymore to get involved in violent situations."
"So she's into breast-feeding, she doesn't need to make love to anybody, so some way she feels more protective, she's a good girl," she continues, "She likes lactating. I like her. She's so wild and at the same time, she's a mother. In the movie, in the middle of this violence, she brings these emotions. So it was beautiful to play this woman. I'm sure if I met someone like that, I would like her."
She discussed with us what it was like working with a director she was largely unfamiliar with. "You know, I didn't know Michael Davis's work," claims Bellucci. "Every time I came to work with Spike Lee and The Wachowski Brothers and Mel Gibson, all the directors that I knew their work. This is the first time when I came in with a director and I didn't know his work. And I decided and I made this decision because I read the script and he wrote the screenplay. And I thought, does someone write like that he knows what he wants and I was right. You're confident because the guy, he knows how to write. That means he knows how to shoot."
Despite the many peculiarities of the script, the Italian-born actress adds she was willing to chance the role because she admired Davis 's daring and unique ideas.
"When I read the script, I said, my God, how is he going to do this movie," says Monica, "But he did it and did it very well and he have just a great vision. For me, he's really courageous to make a movie like that because he really went very far and he really wasn't scared of anything. He said, I'm going to do my movie, that's it. So, for me, it's like French film d'etre. It's really powerful. Either you liked or you hated. But at the same time, it was 'film du jour'."
As a veteran of films of multiple countries, we asked Monica if working on Shoot 'Em Up was harder than working on the European films she's done.
"No," she replies, "I was so lucky to have the chance to work with Paul Giamatti and Clive Owen because both of them are so great. With Paul, I had just one scene, but I had so much fun. I love when he said, 'My piccolatriate.' I love that. It's just so funny when he said that. And he's so creative, Paul, he finds new ideas all the time and you can he's having fun doing what he's doing and same thing for Clive."
"In my business, my work is so incredible because you have to get into intimate scenes with someone you don't know," Belucciadds, "And I didn't know Clive before and we really had to do strong scenes together. And in the end, it was easy because Clive is a real English gentleman and he has the best sense of humor. He's a great actor, someone very generous. And you can see this in the movie because you can see this man because even though he is violent, he has these deep eyes and in the end, he's a good boy."
Monica also shares with us how she and Owen were able to approach doing a highly unique "action/love scene" in the film together.
"Before the scene, we went and talked because we're both European so we like to go out to eat and he's just an incredible person," she recounts, "And of course, when you work with someone like that, it's easier. And I was completely comfortable, he was very respectful, and so, it was easy. And the scene is very strong, I'm very strong. And even though the scene is very sexy, at the same time, it's more what you imagine the way you see, because you don't see anything. But it's very strong. I like this kind of scene."
She also shared with us what she feels her character brings to an action/thriller film dominated mostly by men, made for mostly men.
"It's physical," Bellucci explains, "[But] for me, it's more mental than physical. She's more interestin g
For her mind that she doesn't have many action scenes. She's more of the emotion and the savior of the movie, because Mr. Smith, he can survive because he loves this woman and he loves this baby."
When we asked her of how she first reacted to the film, she told us this rather interesting story of what it was like attending the film's premiere.
"I had just arrived from Paris jet-lagged and I went straight to the film," Monica recalls. "Actually, I said that the film was incredible, because I went to the film, I was so tired, and really, I was almost sleeping. Then, when I went to see the movie and in the end, I came out as if I was under cocaine. It was crazy. I was full of energy with the music and all these things happen and I was like, what is going on here? And I'm like, the film is good."
We pressed Bellucci to elaborate further with her statement into why, in no uncertain terms, she believes viewers would find Shoot 'Em Up in particular to be a good film.
"It's good is because even though there is violence, you laugh all the time. It's not believable," she believes, "Nobody can kill anyone with carrots. It's just crazy and so much is going on. It's incredible. And he had arranged this before, so everything was already in his mind already, you know."
Finally, we asked the actress what course she plans to plot next in her internationally diverse film career.
"I'm finishing an Italian movie and I have another French movie that I'm working on coming out," Monica notes, "I'm going to start shooting in November, a French movie with Sophie Marceau. She did a movie called In My Skin. It's very difficult to watch, but very well-done. And I and Sophie said yes to this project she has, The Look Back."
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