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Miley Cyrus Leads Kids Choice Awards
- Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus is leading the way
at the 2008 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards with three
The teen sensation received nods for Favorite Female
Singer and Favorite Female Actress while her Hannah
Montana program is nominated for Favorite TV Show.
The 15-year-old will go up against Beyonce Knowles,
Fergie and Alicia Keys for the Favorite Female Singer
award, while the nominees in the Favorite Male Singer
category are Bow Wow, Chris Brown, Soulja Boy and Justin
The bands vying for the coveted Favorite Music Group
award are Boys Like Girls, Fall Out Boy, Jonas Brothers
and Linkin Park, while Sean Kingston's "Beautiful
Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry," Akon's "Don't
Matter" and Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend"
are up for Best Song.
Among the film categories, Favorite Movie will be contested
by Alvin and the Chipmunks, Are We Done Yet?, Pirates
of the Caribbean: At World's End and Transformers.
Favorite Male Movie Star nominees include Johnny Depp
for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and Eddie
Murphy for Norbit, while Jessica Alba and Keira Knightley's
turns in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, respectively,
are among those nominated for the Favorite Female Movie
Star award.
The 2008 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards ceremony will
be presented by actor Jack Black in Los Angeles on March
Miley News and Updates:
Miley Cyrus Candy Rukcus May 21, 2008
Miley Cyrus is getting more bad press and this time it isn't about her photo shoot with Vanity Press or even her Milk Commercial. This ruckus is all over some Hannah Montana candy that's in Disney stores. Why?
It seems the Oklahoma company, "Glamour Shots" is suing Disney for placing their name "Glamour Shots" on the Hannah Montana Glamour Shots candy making people believe they made it. Glamour shot believes they were ripped off and Disney should pay up. What do you think? I say if they had the copyright first Disney should know better.
The candy in question is designed like a picture frame and inside is a pic of Miley Cyrus along with the candy.
Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana, showed up at Z100's Zootopia 2008 for a pre-show of what's to come later tonight. Miley will be joined by other rockstars such as the Jonas Brothers and the New Kids on the Block. Hopefully the event tonight will bring her a bit of good publicity. The event takes place at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford New Jersey on Saturday, May 17. For those interested Miley will be singing "See Your Again" from her "Best of Both World's CD."
I might not be going as I'm on the other side of the country, but I'll definitely be excited to see the pictures when they get released. I just love her outfits, in her pre-show she wore a black dress with purple skulls all over it and gold hoop earrings.
Did Miley Cyrus Steal A Song? May 16, 2008
Miley Cyrus was recently accused as stealing a song by the band "Lustra." The band insists Miley's song "Rockstar" is from "Scotty Doesn't Know." What do you think?
I think this is just a band that wanted a bit more attention and because songs may be similar they thought she's be the perfect mark.
For Miley fans, not to worry Disney is already on top of this. If the song is the same, keep in mind she only sings the songs provided to her, she does not write them.
Course if this is the case Disney could be paying "Lustra" quite a bit of money for the use of their song. What's your opinion?
Miley's "Got Milk" Poster May 14, 2008
Have you seen the latest "Got Milk" ads? If not you should, Miley Cyrus is in the ad. Miley doesn't even wear anything revealing and everyone is already making comments about how racy this picture was. People she's wearing clothes! It's a white t-shirt and jeans. What's wrong with it?
In the ad Miley is sitting against a desk with her knee in her seat like most do when they are studying for a test. There's a milk mustache that seems the biggest controversy yet. I can't see why a milk stain should become such a big deal, hey at least she's promoting liquid instead of drinking.
Miley Cyrus Plays Dress Up and gets Burned May 12, 2008
Miley Cyrus got to dress up like Cindy Crawford but why is everyone mad? What teen doesn't want to look glamorous and play dress up? I mean she's queen for the day and has the pictures later to look at. That is, unless you are Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana.
Miley Cyrus is only human and lets not forget that she is a teen. Why is it then that so many of us have jumped to attack her? Most are screaming she should've known better. Hmm, I guess no teen has ever made a mistake, right? Of course I am, you know you would never do anything wrong. Get over it people, she'll make mistakes but she's already apologized. But she shouldn't have had to apologize, this was a girl, forget her being Miley for a minute.
She's innocent and trusting, she's grown up in the country and while she may have seen cameras all her life she could still be naive how others would view the photos. She saw it as being like Cindy Crawford or others she looks up to. How many of them were criticized for taking pics by Anne Leibovitz? This was the next big move for her, something that was suppose to make her happy, not something that would make her a target for the American people.
Miley Cyrus to be a Billionaire Before 18 May 6, 2008
Miley Cyrus will be a billionaire before she turns 18. Can you believe it? Of course you can, she's got like totally awesome music. Plus, she's got her show, "Hannah Montana" that's a hit on television and with fans everywhere. Heck, just last year she was only $3 million shy of making $20Mil and that was just in one year. Could you imagine what her income would be in five years? Wow!
Right now all of her money is going into investment funds until she actually reaches 18. I guess for now she gets an allowance. I wonder how much. Could you imagine that huge birthday gift that year?
Miley Cyrus's Agent Moves May 5, 2008
Miley Cyrus' agent, Mitchell Gossett is moving away from Cunnigham Escott Slevin Doherty where he first introduced the world to Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana as well as her father before her Billy Ray Cyrus. But not to worry, he isn't actually leaving them but going with another company called UTA.
UTA, aka United Talent Agency, is known for producers such as Llewellyn Wells, David Crockett, Jane Bartelme and actors/actresses that range from Johnny Depp, Sarah Michelle Gellar to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Many of the people represented through UTA get great gigs in upcoming movies, some of which have made Oscars. Here's wishing Miley Cyrus good luck.
Miley Gets Animated! April 8, 2008
If rumors are true and they are coming from a very reliable source, Miley Cyrus is going from Live in Concert to animated. I can't wait, I know she can sing and act but now this is a cartoon. Miley and John Travolta will be singing a duet together for the upcoming animated movie called, "Bolt" and they'll also play characters in it.
"Bolt" is all about a German Shepherd (John Travolta plays the voice) is always having an adventurous day which includes fun activities but danger as well. But this all happens on set, he's then sent on an adventure when he must go from Hollywood to New York City. He does become friends with an abandoned housecat and a hamster in a ball. No clue whom Miley will play yet but I'm sure it'll be just as cute and of course this is created by Walt Disney. Are you going to watch it?
There Has to Be Another Way! March 19, 2008
An unidentified teenage boy, from California, was recently taken into custody by the FBI after they found out that he had plans to hijack a plane in order to meet Miley Cyrus. (Hasn’t anyone ever told him that they are easier ways to meet her… like maybe buy a ticket?)
When the police caught up with him, on the plane, they found duct tape, handcuffs, rope and other dangerous items. The boy told police that he planned on crash landing the plane, at one of Miley’s concerts in Lafayette Louisiana.
Even if this crazy fan would have hijacked the plane, his plan would have never worked. He was flying on the wrong day. Duh!
Miley Cyrus wants to be a good role model! December 22, 2007
The Hannah Montana star appeared once again in Oprah this week, and she said she wants to be a good role model to her teen fans. For example, when Miley Cyrus picks out her outfits, she thinks of her audience. She relates, "I say what I'm comfortable in and what I like and nothing that's too out there. I like to look kind of like what girls would want to look up to, and their moms and dads will say, 'Hey, that's cool. That's different.'" Miley Cyrus also shared she does not want to project a more adult image. Being 15, the teen superstar feels she "look way young and that's the way that's more comfortable for me." And when asked who are the celebrities she look up to, Miley Cyrus names Hilary Duff ("because she's someone I got to watch [on TV] and I'm like 'hey, she's a normal girl too'") and friend Ashley Tisdale whom she haven't seen since the nose job.
Miley Cyrus' surprise caller! December 15, 2007
The uber-popular Disney pop star was on Much OnDemand recently, and while answering a phoned-in question, Miley Cyrus received a thrilling surprise -- the random caller was her idol Hilary Duff! When it was revealed to her, the 15-year old actress was speechless for a few seconds. When the host asked Miley Cyrus what advice she'd like to hear from Hilary, the excited Hannah Montana star exclaimed, "Anything! You [Hilary on the phone] are amazing and getting to meet you was seriously…it was like…I never like, be quiet, and I was for once, speechless! I was so happy. So thank so much just for everything! And also, and I never got a chance to tell you this, but thank you for making it cool to be a good girl and to want to be a good role model. Thank you making that cool. Coz that's something that really…I look up to you a lot for that."
Miley Cyrus sounds like a star struck fan eh?? Hehe! For her part, Hilary Duff replied, "Awww…thank you so much. Well you're doing such a good job and you have such a career ahead of you and it's been really cool just to get to watch someone I know admires me to see them grow up and be so successful and do things that they love and have fun." Mutual admiration, that's definitely what these two successful stars have for each other =)
Miley Cyrus talks about dating December 9, 2007
The Hannah Montana star is just 15 years old and maintains a squeaky clean image, partly thanks to her dad, Ray Cyrus, who keeps her in line. As with all fathers, Ray is quite not so into having Miley Cyrus date.
According to the teen star, she is allowed to date BUT she relates, "But my dad is, like, weird and the other day I had one of my guy friends over - (laughter) - and he was - he was hiding in the kitchen. We were outside just like hanging out and I look around… why are the lights on? They were not on and my dad's standing there like this (indicating/laughter). He's standing there with his German Shepherd watching us (laughter) and I'm, like, dad, you're gonna scare him. I'm not going to have anymore friends." LOL! Like I said, Ray is a typical dad, protective of his darling daughter.
In other Miley Cyrus news, the young actress debuted in FORBES magazine's 20 Top-Earning Young Superstars Under 25. She has an annual income of $3.5 million, which puts her 17th on the list. Wowza! And with her Best of Worlds tour a huge success, you can be sure Miley Cyrus' standing will go up next year!
Miley Cyrus is one of the Entertainers of the Year! December 3, 2007
And as with all the other winners, the cute-as-a-button teen star talked to Entertainment Weekly, the purveyor of the award. Miley Cyrus is just 15-years old but her success is light-years ahead of her contemporaries. Her Best of Both Worlds concert tour is now the hottest ticket in the U.S. and next year, she'll release Hannah Montana: The Movie. So, what did success taught her? Miley Cyrus relates, "Know your place, know how you're blessed. That's what I've really learned, that the fans are everything." And when asked what's the best part about being so successful at such a young age is, the Hannah Montana actress says, "I think that you have more opportunities to grow. You don't get stuck in one type of film or whatever you are doing. As you grow, all the different things that you do can grow with you." Miley Cyrus has received many accolades this year but her favorite career moment so far is getting her. She shares, "Getting my Teen Choice award. I was so excited. And being nominated for an Emmy was also really exciting, though unfortunately we didn't get it. Darn it." Don't worry gurl! I'm sure you'll have more chances to grab that prestigious Emmy award in the years to come =)
Miley celebrates her 15th with a bang! November 26, 2007
Teen superstar Miley Cyrus had a superrrrr birthday party last Friday in Nashville where nearly 15,000 hometown friends watch her perform. The Hannah Montana star shared to the screaming crowd: "I'll tell you guys that my main wish when my parents asked me, 'Miley, what do you want for your 15th birthday?' The only thing that I had to say was, 'I want to be here at home with Nashville and all of you guys.'" Miley Cyrus added, "The reason that I do what I do is for all of you guys. Anyone from a small town can go out there and live their dream, and so to be here with you guys tonight on my birthday is amazing."
Near at the end of her show, the delighted audience sang "Happy Birthday" to Miley, which was timed with pyrotechnic displays and a cake delivered onstage.
As her show wound to a close, confetti filled the stadium and she took her bows with the Jonas Brothers. However fans did not go home yet and they were rewarded - Miley Cyrus soon emerged to sing one more song, announcing: "I'd like to bring out my best friend - that just about says it all - my daddy." Her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, came out with an acoustic guitar to sing their signature duet, "Ready, Set, Don't Go" and included her sister Brandi Glenn Cyrus on backup guitar. When the song ended, Billy Ray hugged Miley, wishing her, "Happy Birthday, little girl". SWEET!!!
Miley World is getting sued! November 18, 2007
As if problems with her Best of Both Worlds tour tickets aren't enough, another peripheral snafus has sprouted in Miley Cyrus' world. This time it involves her
fan club Mileyworld, and what do you know, it has something to do with the @#$%& tour tickets again! So what's the story? According to attorney Rob Pierce, "They [Mileyworld] deceptively lured thousands of individuals into purchasing memberships into the
fan club, and that's why we're suing." Nothing wrong with luring right? But apparently, the $29.95 membership fee was supposed to guarantee access to Miley Cyrus' tour tickets, and some
fan club members were totally bummed out when they did not get tickets, hence the lawsuit.
However, a rep for Mileyworld denied the complaint and told the press, "The Mileyworld website expressly states that Mileyworld does not guarantee every member a concert ticket. Mileyworld members had far greater access to concert tickets than the general public and other fan clubs and the claim that the vast majority of Mileyworld members were unable to obtain concert tickets is simply false. Mileyworld will vigorously defend itself from the frivolous claims in the lawsuit."
Miley Cyrus on tour! November 11, 2007
We all know how hectic (and successful!) Miley Cyrus' "Best of Both Worlds" tour is. But despite her very busy schedule, the Hannah Montana star still had time to hobnob with her favorite celebrities and do a wee bit of holiday shopping. Last November 8, after her tour show at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Miley Cyrus met up with the fantastic Kobe Bryant and his beautiful family backstage. Adrienne Bailon from the Cheetah Girls and High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale were also there to share some girl talk and lend support to their fellow Disney star. Check out their photo (at left) below! Then on November 9, the 14-year old ultra-popular Hannah Montana star was spotted shopping at "Switch" by South Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills. Miley Cyrus was with her younger actress sister Noah. After "Switch", the duo bought girly dresses at the Lola et Moi boutique also in Beverly Hills. A girl can't have too many outfits, right Miley?? =)
What to expect in Best of Both Worlds November 1, 2007
After all the hullabaloo of fans not getting tickets for the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Tour due to scalpers, the show went on and rocked the cities where Disney star Miley Cyrus performed. So what to expect in the critically acclaimed concert shows? Lots of screaming tween and teen fans! Lol! Seriously, the show begins with The Jonas Brothers, a trio of up-and-coming rock stars, performing. Then comes the Hannah Montana concert. Often, Miley Cyrus opens this part of the show with the number "Rock Star" in which she sings about how she's a strong but shy girl who "might even be a rock star." It is then followed by more songs from her popular Disney show Hannah Montana.
The second part has Miley Cyrus singing her own songs. According to one review, this part has "songs [that] are more guitar-driven, the outfits more adult, and the lyrics imply a string of bad boyfriends … as if she's pretending to be older than she is." But then, that's coming from an adult. I'm sure Miley's fans loved her songs too. All in all, the show is worth your money, provided you didn't but your tickets for more than $200 from scalpers, lol!
Miley Cyrus declines charity offer October 24, 2007
Another do-gooder act from the Hannah Montana star, Miley Cyrus! A few days earlier, there were reports that Disney’s hottest singer was invited by Long John Silver to help fight world hunger. The org sent Miley Cyrus a letter of invitation, and you can read it all here. The president of Long John sent this letter, asking Miley to use her celebrity profile to raise awareness about world hunger, offering a $10,000 donation in her name to the Friends of the World Food Program -- and a complimentary Long John Silver's Fish Platter! Mmm, yummy! However, Miley Cyrus declined the invitation due to time constraints brought about by her concert tour. Here’s the decline:
Thank you for the invitation for Miley Cyrus to share a meal with you at Long John Silver's. However due to her hectic tour schedule, she is unable join you. Miley was moved by your generous offer to donate $10,000 to the Friends of the World Program in her name. She is happy to have brought more awareness to this worthwhile cause and hopes you will proceed with your kind donation. Thank you.
Miley Cyrus appeals to scalpers October 17, 2007
Hannah Montana star, Miley Cyrus, appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show last Thursday to address the scalpers who are selling expensive tickets to her widely popular concert tour. How expensive? Scalpers are asking up to $4,500 for the tickets!!! Ticket trackers are saying that tickets for the Miley Cyrus show (which also features the pop rock group The Jonas Brothers) were sold out in as little as four minutes! You’d think that the tickets reached all the young girls who wanted to watch the talented Disney star. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Parents have so far voiced their displeasure over the scalpers, and asked the camp of Miley Cyrus to address the issue. In response, the teen actress says, “It’s going to be a good show, but I don’t think it’s worth what it’s going for. [But] for the people that do get to come, I’m going to make it the best show ever.”
Miley Cyrus hurt over pregnancy rumors October 3, 2007
It all began with a heartless hacker who altered a J-14 magazine article online (July issue), and made it appear that Miley Cyrus was with child. She/he even altered the Disney star’s quotes to make it look like she was apologizing for her supposed pregnancy. Miley denied the pregnancy rumors but the always-positive Hannah Montana star admitted she was hurt with what’s happened. “As much as I wanna say it didn't affect me, it really hurt my feelings,” she said. Miley Cyrus’
step mom corroborated her feelings. She shared that Miley “…screamed and was crying. She was very upset which made me more infuriated. She has a purity ring and we're really strong in the belief of being pure until marriage. It was really hard for our family.” And now, after one week, Miley Cyrus is still denying the rumors but apparently she’s in better spirits now. She told US magazine, “My Dad always says you can't live a positive life with a negative mind. Always be positive.” Atta girl! =)
Miley Cyrus spectacular in Teen Vogue party!
September 25, 2007
Hannah Montana star, the ever-busy Miley Cyrus, was one of the gazillion teen stars who graced the fantabulous Teen Vogue party at Vibiana in Los Angeles, California last Thursday. The smashing party was held to celebrate the magazine’s fifth anniversary of its funky Young Hollywood issue. Anyway, the 14-year old talented singer-actress was seen dressed in a cutie strapless outfit, believed to be her own creation. Miley Cyrus looked so happy and radiant, as if she had no worries in the world, a
sold out nationwide tour notwithstanding =) Other teen celebrities who attended the red-hot event were Jamie Lynn Spears, Hayden Panettiere of Heroes fame, Hilary Dudd, Amanda and Alyson Michalka, Olivia Wilde, and Tallulah Willis. All the young celebrities were dressed to the nines but still looked their age. No thick, over the top makeup on their lovely faces; and no super glamorous gowns. That’s right girls! Keep it minimal and keep it natural!
Heartbroken fans of Miley Cyrus in Kansas City
September 22, 2007
We all know that concerts of Miley Cyrus (a.k.a. Hannah Montana) are always sold-out. But don't you think it's quite ridiculous that tickets for her nationwide tour stop in Kansas City sold-out in five minutes? How fast can tickets go huh?? I know she has tons of fans but the case in Kansas is quite different coz it's her numerous young fans that weren't able to buy the concert tickets. And the parents of these heartbroken children are already complaining to City Hall. Yup, Miley's concert is that important to warrant government attention, lol!
Anyway, according to rumors, tickets sold fast because of brokers. These guys then sell the tickets at a markup. For the Hannah Montana show, brokers have priced the tickets from $200 to more than $2,100 each. And that's from $26! Just imagine how much these guys will make at the expense of Miley's young fans! It's really sad. But a spokeswoman from
Ticket master (where the tickets can be bought) refuted the allegation about the unscrupulous brokers. She said it's possible for a show to sell out quickly, simply through phone, Internet and ticket outlets. Still, Miley's promoter should look into these matters. After all, Miley's heart is closest to her young fans.